
About Us

About Us 2019-04-11T15:57:57+05:30


For L’Albero della Vita, ensuring children’s wellbeing means creating opportunities for a decent, full and satisfactory life: in other words, offering them a proper nutrition, personal and medical care, age-appropriate leisure, social and sports activities, as well as the chance of freely nurturing their most intimate aspirations.


L’Albero della Vita was founded in Italy in April 1997 as a Voluntary Association, followed a few months later, in January 1998, by the Social Cooperative up to the Foundation in 2004. Its eligibility as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) was issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on 2009: since then, the project activities have been developed in all continents according to the principles and approaches of international cooperation.


L’Albero della Vita is a humanitarian organisation composed by three different non-profit organisations: The Foundation (also ONG recognised by Ministry of Foreign Affairs), The social Cooperative, The Volunteer Association.Its charter members aimed at creating an organisation able to implement effective actions to protect children and safeguard as well as promote their rights to grow up in a safe and suitable environment.

Pedagogy for the Third Millennium

The “Pedagogy for the Third Millennium” Method (PTM), conceived by Patrizio Paoletti and by a team of professionals specializing in different disciplines, aims at elaborating and selecting ideas and tools in order to encourage the development of human potentia.


L’Albero della vita, through the participation in conferences, initiatives, campaigns, working thematic groups and becoming a member of several italian, european and world networks, has strengthened its presence in terms of networking.